Sunday, January 24, 2010

Gearing up for the Love Month!

We're gearing up our favorite month: February! The Month of Love! (No gagging, please.) It took us so very long to find each other, that this month only illuminates the gift we have in each other. So its all about hearts and love, magic and cherishing each moment together. May you all be blessed with much love in your lives!

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year 2010

Happy New Year to all of us!

As we look back over 2009, we're wearing big smiles. We made important commitments last January to 1) refuse to entertain any notions that the financial struggles around the world meant that our gallery would fail (our premise: money didn't fly off the planet, its got to be out there somewhere and some of it will easily find its way to us); 2) we would create the most beautiful, peaceful, varied gallery that we could imagine and 3) we would draw in "our people" who would spend some money, bring others and talk lovingly about us far and wide; 4) we would help each other to avoid streams of worry-negative-anxious-talk and we would be rigorous about it; 5) we would fill our worry-susceptible minds with positive information in the form of cds we listened to while driving.

So! We did that AND IT WORKED! Raven Rocks Gallery has had the most successful year on record, with enthusiastic fans/supporters and two gallery owners (that would be us!) who were more creative than we've ever been. Evidently less worrying means more creative juices flowing :) Dah! Add in (a bit more bragging, ok?) we sold other people's art and our resident artists/friends received checks in the mail and had their creations go off into the world.

We're still in the process of creating our goals for 2010. What we do know is that we need to get off the Island for some away vacation time together. 2009 was lots of fun, focused work, but we need some new scenery and down time. Windwalker has started spinning and he's throwing himself into that ancient art and into the local community of spinners. He wants to paint more, especially for his "Ravens in Love" series. I want to play more with my creative time. I want to try out different methods, views, art materials using the art of others that I'm strongly drawn to as inspiration. There's a whole world of possibilities inside that goal. As we kicked up the well-being and clarity of our minds last year, we both want to tweek, tighten, align up our bodies this year. Lucky for us we have a little dog who loves to walk - we want more of that. And - you know - maybe a little less of those items that make for heaviness later. We're also cranking up our dreams for a home of our own with a large and functional Studio. That's a big dream, but if all of you would send a rousing "YES!" toward it for us, that would be The Best!

Thank you so much for your support, interest, appreciation, encouragement and well, LOVE! We love you right back!
Mary Jo

Blue Cubette - Go Your Own Way

Blue Cubette - Go Your Own Way

Dark Blue Cubette-He Thought He Could

Dark Blue Cubette-He Thought He Could

He Travels For Work

He Travels For Work
Mary Jo's latest print

The Stunning Vistas of the Volcano Tahoma

The Stunning Vistas of the Volcano Tahoma

Wind Blow Us Home...

Wind Blow Us Home...

Fuzzy BindleBird Collecting Huckleberries

Fuzzy BindleBird Collecting Huckleberries
Sighted behind our tents in the huckleberry bushes.

My Eternal Love ... and Pal

My Eternal Love ... and Pal
Windwalker's Ravens in Love Series

Fairy Gardener's Hat

Fairy Gardener's Hat
Spotted on the Naches Trail, Chinook Pass, in huckleberry bushes.

Old Growth Islands

Old Growth Islands
Caretakers' Isle

Beach Fire Bag

Beach Fire Bag

Rumble Stream Home

Rumble Stream Home

Hazy Lake Days

Hazy Lake Days

First Love Song

First Love Song

Beauty Way Chant

Beauty Way Chant
Mixed Media on Canvas

Sunrise House

Sunrise House

A Garden of My Own

A Garden of My Own
Windwalker's Woven Purse

PrimroseMorning - Scrumble

PrimroseMorning - Scrumble
Nickname: Bounce

Daisies Dreams

Daisies Dreams
Acrylic - SOLD

The Sun's Blessing

The Sun's Blessing
Its already sold!