This last weekend we had our first art show of the year - hooray! We're back at Bayview Corner's Front Room. Folks come up from the Saturday Market or spot our signs as they drive by. The local newspaper highlighted the show with a picture of Maia's art. Kisses, Hugs, Endless Blessings to all the folks who walked gleefully away with ART!!
After the scramble and chaos of arranging the art of six artists in one room - we had four other fabulous artists with us - I thought the effect was STUNNING. Color everywhere! When I finally came off the adrenaline rush of getting a show ready and really LOOKED at the work of our other folks I couldn't believe my eyes. Carved and painted gourds, watercolors, luminescent paint patterns on wood strips, drums to move the spirit, transcendent collages, wooden wine boxes painted like jewels, Windwalker's gorgeous necklaces, woven tapestries and purses, my little Fantasy Houses, mixed media pieces and new Scrumble Muffins (oh, yeah!) The little stuff went right out the door and one little original Fantasy House, Row Home to Me, sold. We did very well.
Lucky for us we have the space through another weekend. A real treat as its so very much work to prepare and setup. I have to remember the "day after" blues and tiredness that hits me hard. That was yesterday. I was a wreck, just wanting to sit and cry and sleep. Unfortunately I also have a bad tooth that has to come out and I'm dealing with that unhappy loss-to-be.
This morning - YES! - before I'm forced to drive forty miles up the Island for a pre-pulling checkup, I'm headed for the Studio to finish two Fairy Houses for this next weekends Show. If you're in the area, come on over! Whidbey Island, WA would love to have you!