We can hardly sleep around here for thinking, plotting, planning for our new adventure, the re-opening of Raven Rocks Studio Gallery & Gifts. Silly us thinking our next gallery adventure would be years away. Quite unexpectedly we were presented with an offer we couldn't refuse . . . a large gallery space at Greenbank Farms!! We would be in the most excellent company of our friends, Rob & Victory Schouten and their new gallery, as well as the art co-op, Art Works. In other words, Greenbank Farm is creating itself as an art destination on Whidbey Island. They're already the home of the reknowned Whidbey Pies Cafe, a wonderful cheese shop and a wine shop, as well as a regular outdoor Market.
In order to make the best of a lovely large space, we've invited some amazing artists to join us. So October will see us painting and preparing for our Grand Opening on the Farm's First Friday, November 7th, 5pm to 8pm. In fact, we plan to celebrate that whole weekend! If you're up on Whidbey Island, please come visit. Raven Rocks Gallery & Gifts will be open six days a week, Web through Monday, 10am to 5pm.
I'd better get doing what I so love to do, MAKE ART!